Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Get Excited

I'm starting to get excited. I have recently begun gathering data for Dating Week 2.0 . By gathering data, I mean I've thought about it. Like, more than in passing. Sudoku level thinking. Granted, I am not the greatest Sudoku-er. Now you're excited, too. You're probably asking yourself, "But when is Dating Week 2.0 going to hit an Internet near me?", and I can answer that question. When is the critical time for dating? If you're KamNasty, it was approximately a year and a half ago. But for the rest of us, it's the first week of classes here at the BYU. New classes, new wards, new pools of eligible bachelors and bachelorettes just waiting to be mined. Or yoursed. So I have decided to optimize your dating prowess and give you helpful hints, sage advice, and the opportunity to learn from a master theorist.

But wait, that's not all!!!

I'm also accepting suggestions for topics from the general public! That means that I could potentially discuss something that's on your mind. What if I receive so many suggestions that I just can't write about all of them in a week? Well, I'll answer your question with another question. What's better than Dating Week 2.0? Dating Week 3.0. That's right, I'm willing to extend Dating Week by another week (If I receive enough suggestions, ideas, or dates). That's two weeks for the price of one, which also happens to be the price of none.

So mark your calendars. August 27th is the first day of Dating week (running through the 2nd of September with a possible extension to the 9th) That's more advice than you can shake a stick at. You would get tired of shaking around post ten.

If you have a suggestion, tell it to me. You could comment, text, call, or tell me in person. I'm flexible like that. I will ignore suggestions that sound like a juvenile came up with them (For example: "You should write about why boys are so immature.") But remember, this is a momentous occasion. I normally ignore most things that people say to me by way of suggestion. Get in on this while you can.

In the meantime, I will be communing with nature and pondering deeply upon the subject as I climb the mightiest peak in Utah this weekend. I might ponder other things, and if I manage to ponder something worth mentioning, you had better believe that I'll mention it.

Now for your postly excitement.

The Very Fife

P.S. I hope someone laughed at the second sentence of this post. Or at least thought, "That is mildly humorous."

1 comment:

  1. I suggest a post about what to do if you've passed the critical time for dating. It's for a friend.
