Monday, July 1, 2013

Let's Go on an Adventure!

I have some time to kill here in Boston and thought that maybe I could churn out a blog post as I embark on this great journey to Ireland and Great Britain. Two years ago I thought to myself, "Man, I gotta go to Wales." However, I was unable to go on the Wales Study Abroad last summer, and instead had Joe live with me for a month and worked in the early AM. But this year I am, quite clearly, sitting in an airport waiting to fly across an ocean to have a grand life adventure.

Now, I'm not saying that I'll update my blog consistently during this adventure, but there are some wonderful things you can look forward to in 7 weeks at the latest (when I return and spend a lot of time updating stuff). On my journey I have brought my adventure companion Albert. He is a dragon. And he's photogenic, so you had better believe there will be an entire photo series of Albert's adventures in the land of his nativity. We've already begun taking the pictures, starting with the first leg of the adventure from Provo to Richmond, and he just had to get a picture next to the bag containing our Big Mac here in Boston. It's sort of tradition.

Unfortunately there are some things you will probably not be getting in the next several months. You will not enjoy my presence (unless you are on the Study Abroad with me or are a native to Dublin, Edinburgh, Wales, or England). You will probably not get a 4th of July Patriotism post (wherein I would have discussed what patriotism and liberty mean to me) because I'll be in London, in the Globe, watching Macbeth. Apparently they don't celebrate the 4th of July in Britain. Go figure. You will get no discussions about dating because I'm not allowed to (but did any of us really think I would, I mean, three years, y'all). You will not get Happy Birthday greetings via Facebook (I didn't send them out often before, but now you really won't get one).

But let's be honest, would you much rather go on a photo-journey with Albert the Dragon? Or hear about awesome adventures that you're not on? I know I prefer traveling with Albert and writing about it.

So for now, accept the fact that I'm off adventuring. I should make it back in a shorter time than Frodo, and definitely shorter than Bilbo (it's apparently easy to get lost in New Zealand). I'll be back before you think I'm dead and start selling off my possessions. And when I say I'll be back, I in no way imply the possibility of multiple time-lines, mind-boggling through-lines, and man-killing Machines. But you'll be hearing from me. When? I guess we'll find out.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I'm super excited for you! Have an awesome time, and I'll see ya on the flipside!
