Friday, April 13, 2012

Prepare Thyself

In case you have not heard, I have a new ambition in life. Now, this may seem like old hat, mainly because I have a new life ambition just about every thirty seconds, but this one is for real. I will become the undisputed BYU's Best Rapper.

How do I propose to do this? Let me tell you.
1) This summer I will spend time each day working on my rhymes and my beats, putting together an impressive example of my lyrical skill.
2) At the end of summer (Those two weeks in between Summer Term and Fall Semester) I will begin to set up small private shows to showcase my work (Open mic nights, etc.).
3) As word of mouth spreads I will continue to work to expand my repertoire.
4) I will aid the word of mouth by posting some Youtube videos of Matt Fife in action.
5) Larger venues follow, culminating in a personal invitation from Cecil to perform at half-time for some sort of sporting event.

Now, I can't do this alone. I'm going to need all of my loyal fans to be quite vocal in their support for me. I'm also going to need collaborators, folks that want to work with me honing beats, sharpening lyrics, recording demos, performing with me, etc.

This very well could be there day when you decide to get in on the ground floor of something huge. Is it possible for a Caucasian, LDS, middle-class American to succeed as a hip-hop artist? I believe the answer is yes, and I will live this experiment to find out. The world may never be the same.

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